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To file a Trademark application in Canada requires information related to goods and services classification for which the mark will be used. At the time of filing the trademark form, you must provide the information whether you are already using the trademark in commerce or you are intending to use it in the future. If you have applied trademark in any other country and planning to claim priority, you must provide the trademark number of that application filed in any other jurisdiction.
The Trademark application process in Canada is quite lengthy. It takes around 18-28 months or sometimes, even more, to get your trademark approved and registered in Canada. Initially, the Trademark application in Canada goes through the examination process, once approved by the examiner, it will get published in the gazette for third-party opposition. If no one opposes within 60 days, the Notice of Allowance will be issued by the Canadian Trademark Office.
Once the Notice of Allowance is issued after two months from the date of publication, a fee of CA$ 200 (included in Professional Package only) is required to submit in order to get the registration status and issuance of trademark registration certificate in Canada.
Contact us or submit inquiry at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
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